Sunday, March 13, 2011

Filipino Food: Lechon

Filipino cuisine is distinguished by its bold combination of sweet (tamis), sour (asim), and salty (alat) flavors. Filipino palates prefer a sudden influx of flavor, although most dishes are not heavily spiced. While other Asian cuisines may be known for a more subtle delivery and presentation, Filipino cuisine is often delivered all at once in a single presentation.

I conducted a poll in which my friends chose their ultimate Filipino comfort food. I got answers such as lechon, rice, adobo, chicharon, banana cue... Which we will all get to discuss someday. For now, let's handle one.

The lechon (pronounced LE-ch-on) in the Philippines connotes a whole roasted pig, "lechón baboy." Anton Bourdain of Travel Channel's No Reservations, a show that uncovers the best culinary cuisines around the world, declared Philippine lechon as the top in his hierarchy of pork. By reputation, the Cebu lechon is considered by most as the tastiest and crispiest, with such flavorful meat that condiments or sauce are typically not necessary anymore.

This is the Episode 1 of Anton Bourdain's Philippine trip, where he doesn't only praise the famous Philippine lechon, but tastes the other amazingness that Filipino food is all about. Enjoy!


For those who wants the see the whole episode, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't this just look so delicious? Hahaha. What a good way of communicating culture! through food! :) although, I think it'd be nice if you feature specialty dishes of the different regions of the Philippines? :) just a friendly suggestion. :)
